
Vegan Republic Coin, Anthem, pop song, and Concept


(ca. 3min guitar version with only one pad, then 3 chord build-up to climax)

(F-e1 is 003210, Gup2 is open G moved up 2 frets, G and Em and sometimes C add e1+b1 )


Loo -king for a -ah, bet -ter way -ay to be -ee?

F FFFremove e1 F-e1 % % %F(-1)h.o e3F(-1)+e3 G G G(My G 320033)

A bet -ter wa -ay to be

C C+E1 C C C h.o B3 C+B3 C

A bet-ter way to be A bet-ter way to be A bet-ter way to be (echoes possibly with drums then C chord pad )

First you have to real -ly wa -ant it

C C C C G G F-e1 F-e1 F-e1

It’s up to you and me

G2 D3 h-o to D0 A3 A0 A3 (C chord to start next line)

Pic -ture it in our own minds (need edit so line comes immediately after previous)

C C C C G G F-e1

It’s up to me and you

G2 D3 h-o to D0 A3 h-o toA0 A3 (C chord to start next line)

Use a li -ttle, I -ma -gi nay -ay -shun (need edit so line comes immediately after previous)

C C C C G G slideGup2frets F-e1 F-e1 F-e1

Seek they say and you will fi-ind

C C C C G G F-e1

We’ll find

e5 e0

It’s up to you and me

G2 D3 h-o to D0 A3 h-o toA0 A3 (C chord to start next line)

doo-doo, doo-doo doo, doo-doo, doo, d -doo -doo

C C G G G F-e1 F-e1, F-e1, F-e1 F-e1 F-e1

It’s up to me and you

G2 D3 h-o to D0 A3 h-o toA0 A3 (C chord to start next line)

Then immediately into verse with effects and sound as in demo

I’m up for change, now, how ‘bout you?


You wan-na e-scape his-stor-ry too? (with effect as in demo)

Well you’re, gon-na have to change so -ome, too

C h-oG G

BASS E0 0 h-o 3 3

We’ve got to mean it, when we say


That’s there’s a lot that’s, got to, change

C C C C C G Gup2 F-e1

It’s real -ly come down to-oo you and me

C C C C C C G G Em

To be the ones to set, up, to -day -ay

F F F F F F F-e1 F-e1 G

The kind of game, we, want to -oo, play -ay

F F F F FF-e1 F-e1 h-oG G

Electronic music as in original with lyric almost whispered to unconscious patient, or as secret – hypnotic suggestion

O -pen your eyes

d0 2 0 4

g0 0ho2 2 0 b0

O -pen your mind

d0 2 0 5 or g0

g0 0ho2 2 0 b1


O -pen your heart

d0 2 0 g2

g0 0ho2 2 0 b3


And there you will fi -ind

d0 0 0ho2 0 g2 0

g0 0 2 0 b3 1


F Am G (dramatic build-up of 3 chords, with last allowed to trail, to underline following climax)

It’s time to start, some-thing new


Sure -ly you can feel it too

C C C C G Gup2 C

Some -thing good is on it’s way -ay now

C C C C G G C h-o AmAm

It’s gon -na be here an -ny day -ay now

Am Am Am Am Am G G (or Gup2) C C C

Echoes Now Now Now Now Now Now fading off then vox with choral harmonies as in demo

The time has fin-’ly come at last

It’s time to break free from the past

This could be a dream come true -oo -oo

I guess it’s up to me and you -oo -oo

There’s no li -mit to what we-ee, ca-an, dooooo

g2 g2 d3 d0 a3 a0 C G C

What we I -ma -gine, we can, rea-eal -ee-ee dooooo

g2 g2 g2 d3 d0 a3 a0 C G C

If our minds and hearts are re-eal -ly-ee troooo

g2 g2 d3 d0 a3 a0 C G F-e1

Just try and you will see

g2 d3 h-offtod0 a3 a0 a3 C

There’s no -thing we can -’t, do

g2 d3 h-offtod0 a3 a0 h.offtoa3a3 C

Coda to fade out on as in demo

a3 3 3 2 3 C d2 2 2 0 h-o2 2 Am d2 2 2 0 3 F d3 3 2 a3 C d3 2 0 d3 2 a3 g3 2 0 g3 2 a0 h.o2 2

G (as I play it +b3+e3) Em+b3+e3 x32033 Em+a3+b3+e3 G (as I play it +b3+e3) (Repeat line)

x02200 x02200h.ob1(to form Am) x02200 Am Em G (as I play it +b3+e3) etc

(Or play lower pitched (or both) on E string)

E3 3 3 2 3 G a2 2 2 0 2 Em a2 2 2 0 C a3 3 2 E3 G a3 2 0 3 2 E3 a3 2 0 3 2 E0 h-o2 2

G (as I play it +b3+e3) Em+b3+e3 x32033 Em+a3+b3+e3 G (as I play it +b3+e3)

G (as I play it +b3+e3) Em+b3+e3 x32033 Em+a3+b3+e3 G (as I play it +b3+e3)

x02200 x02200h.ob1(to form Am) Am Em G (as I play it +b3+e3) etc

Vegan Republic Anthem for guitar

Notation is bass E a d g b e with fret numbers

g0 2 b0 g2 0 b3

g0 2 b0 b1 e0 b3

b3 1 0 g2 e2 e3 b1 g0 2 b0 e2 3

g0 2 0 e3 2 b3

g0 2 0 b3 1 0 g2 0 or e3 2 0 b3 1 0

b3 e0 2 3 2 0 b3

b3 e0 2 5 7 3

g0 2 0 b3 1 0 g2 0

b3 e0 2 3 2 0 b3

b3 e0 2 5 7 3

g0 2 0 b3 g0 2 0 b1 g0 2 0 b1 0 g0

G A D D+3 D A G

Bold is second run through for singing to (more comfortably pitched) and higher is first run through as musical prelude

This is the land for you

g0 2 b0 g2 0 b3

d0 2 4 2 0 g2

This is the land for me

g0 2 b0 b1 e0 b3

d0 2 4 g0 4 2

In this land we are free

b3 1 0 g2 e2 e3

g2 0 d2 4 b2 3

Sweet land of li -ber -ty

g0 2 0 e3 2 b3

d0 2 0 b3 2 g2

peace and pro -sper -i -ty

g0 2 0 b3 1 0

d0 2 0 g2 0 d4

If you are see -king -jus -tice

g2 b0 2 3 2 0 g2

g2 4 b2 3 2 g4 2

b3 e0 e 2 3 2 0 b3

In word, and, in deed (alt to line below which may be redundant in context of other iterations of ideas)

g2 4 e0 2 b3

Re-spect, Truth, and, hon-es-ty

g2 2 4 2 e0 2 b3

g2 2 4 b2

then Raise up your voice

g0 0 2 0 b3

d0 0 2 0 g2

Your spir -its high

g0 2 0 b1

d0 2 0 g0

Join in and sing, with, me

b0 2 0 e3 2 b3

g0 2 0 b1 0 g0

d0 2 0 g0 d4 0

We-re for truth

d0 4 0

Dig -ni -ty

g2 b0 g0

d0 5 0

Jus -tice and al -ways to -tal hon -es -ty

e3 2 0 b3 1 0 g2 b0 g2 0

b3 2 g4 2 d5 4 2 4 2 a5

Free for you

go b0 g0

d0 4 0

Free for me

g0 b1 g0

d0 g0 d 0

As long as we tread on no-one’s li-ber-ty

e0 3 2 0 3 1 0 g2 b0 g2 0

d0 b3 2 0 g2 0 d4 2 4 2 0

g0 2 0 b3 1 0 g2 0

b3 e0 2 3 2 0 b3

b3 e0 2 5 7 3

We can be ev -er -y -thing that we want -ed to be

g0 2 0 e3 2 0 b3 1 0 g2 b0 g2 0

d0 2 0 b3 2 0 g2 0 d4 2 4 2 0

It’s for you It’s for me For e -ver -ry -thing that we wan -ted to be

g0 bo g0 g0 b1 g0 g0 e3 2 0 b3 1 0 g2 b0 g2 0

d0 g0 d0 d0 4 0 0 d3 2 0 g2 0 d4 2 4 2 0

It’s for you

d0 4 0

It’s for me

d0 5 0

For ev -’ry -thing good we can poss -i -bly be

g2 b3 2 0 g2 d5 4 2 4 2 a5

g0 e3 2 0 b3 1 0 g2 b0 g2 0

All work has it’s own dig -ni -ty

g2 2 2 4 b2 3 2 g2

d1 1 1 3 1 g1 0 d1

Rai-sing up hu -man -i -ty

d0 0 2 0 g2 0 d4

a3 3 d0 a3 d3 2


and in-di-vi-du-al-ly

Just as we were meant to be (something like that)

As ve-gans we’re proud to be

Free of hy-poc-cri-sy

And so we de-serve, to be

Free in pros-sper-i-ty

Fa-cing chal-len-ges to-geth-er

To leave a bright le-ga-cy

We act as a team

U-ni-ted we’re strong

In Sol-i-dar-i-ty

land of / home to truth and

land of / home to jus-tice

land of /home to li-ber-ty


I respect your time, so I will get straight to my proposal. If you don not grok this, you simply MUST read what follows, to gain a basic understanding of what money is. And then read my TROONATNOOR books to comprehend the power of money to transform this world for better or worse. I seek to ensure money becomes a force for positive, constructive, generative, creative, compassionate, evolution of society, and humanity, on every level.

Vegan Coin will be a token that, using the best security protocols, will be issued by a single authority, the TREASURY OF THE VEGAN REPUBLIC, which may need to be grounded in law as a VEGAN HOLDING COMPANY or VEGAN CHURCH, to optimalize its relationship to the local legal codes and institutions.

The value of all V-coin in circulation will be the value of goods and services for which it can be exchanged.

There are many ways we can ensure V-coin will notbe attractive to speculators as just another instrument for financial speculation and profiteering from manipulation of market value. I am not aware of any way to avoid secondary markets emerging for V-coin, but there are many actions a Central Issuing Authority can take to deter any speculation. In this way any secondary ‘trading’ of V-coin that occurs will benefit our enterprise, rather than undermine it.

The ultimate aim is to realise the aspirations expressed in ‘Golden Age’ and ‘Garden of Eden’ myths, and the promises made in Religious Narratives, of a Vegan world, a ‘Kingdom of heaven on earth’, via the establishment of a MODEL Sovereign VEGAN NATION capable of producing every positive good and service required to enjoy the highest standards of living, in which V-coin would be the sole currency for exchange. In other words the ambition is to ensure that any positive good or service you might desire could be purchased with V-coin.

I say MODEL because I may not have a chance to realise this ambition, thus it may remain a theoretical model for future persons with the power to turn it into a reality. And also because, should we manage some such enterprise, it would represent the MODELLING of the optimal system, which others might seek to emulate to promote their own ‘causes’.

V-coin will be issued in exchange for goods and services provided to The Vegan Republic (The Vegan Holding Company – The Vegan Church) by The Treasury of The Vegan Nation. It will take an electronic form. It will be a digital currency. Issued by, and secured by, a Central Authority.

The value of V-coin will be the nominal value of V-coins issued, divided by the assets owned by, and the real value of goods and services produced by, The Vegan Republic, held by The Vegan Holding Company, and offered by those voluntarily participating as CITIZENS of The Vegan Republic and-or members of The Vegan Church. The more people who join in the enterprise, accepting V-coin as payment for their goods and services, the higher the REAL value of V-coin.

Traditionally governments offered services in return for taxes. Governments issued currency or script to pay their workers, and to pay for goods and services they required to operate. Such services include, today, education and health services. Such services might form the bulk of our initial GDP. But we shall extend them to include any and all services that (at first Virtual) citizens of The Vegan Republic are willing to provide in exchange for V-coin.

Why would a hairdresser or dentist or tradesperson accept V-coin? For the same reason they accept worthless paper currency today. Namely to buy goods and services from other people. It is an act of faith. Belief that others will accept the paper or digital ledger values that they have accepted, for their time, effort, sacrifice, risk, and capital, in return for THEIR effort, sacrifice, time, risk, and capital.

Money conventionally enters circulation as follows. The government FORCES their citizens, and even those of foreign nations in the case of U.S dollars, to accept their fiat currency in return for their goods and services. The Government FORCES people to take worthless paper as PAYMENT for their services and goods. Then the same government EXTORTS citizens to pay taxes, by threats of violence, including fines, prison time, and confiscation of real property. This is how the government script, worth nothing, quickly gains nominal value and becomes ‘money’.

If the King or Government invest most of the taxes wisely in schemes that increase the productivity of their citizens, so that more REAL value (Gross Domestic Product) is produced, taxes become a form of forced investment, that yields increasing Gross Domestic Product. So that the money is ultimately backed by the GDP of the nation, and comes to have a REAL value.

So we are not asking anything unusual. Only we are making it voluntary. Based on informed consent. And we shall never waste any resources or deceive people into accepting worthless or even negative value, in return for V-coin. We shall never coerce anyone into participation. We shall never force anyone to accept V-coin. We shall not allow speculation in V-coin. We shall continue to reinvest the services and goods, the money, the land, the commodities, that we receive in return for newly minted V-coin, back into productive, positive value adding, VEGAN enterprises.

We are simply offering a superior service. On the basis of voluntarism and informed consent. Rather than force and coercion and violence. And often deception and fraud. People will be able to ‘try and see’ if V-coin works for them. If it does not, they will be free to revert to their local currencies. In fact they will have no option but to participate in the conventional economy, and monetary systems, while adopting V-coin, initially, as a second currency, because not all goods and services will immediately be available in exchange for V-coin.

I cannot predict which service providers will first offer their services in exchange for V-coin. But all charities and not-for-financial-profit organisations should consider this model. The first people ‘buying’ V-coin from our treasury will probably do it on the basis most people today donate to their favorite charities. As an act of good will. Assuming the charities act in good faith, and ‘invest’ the money in ways the proposed beneficiaries of the goodwill will actually benefit from.

That is not to say V-coin is a charity. While other charities might wish to emulate this model, and mint their own coin, The Vegan Republic is about founding an actual Republic, based on Vegan principles. Initially this will occur through education and health service provision. Whether offered electronically or in bricks and mortar schools and facilities. Or in the homes of teachers and health care providers.

Money is a form of control. The current system appropriates most of the value produced for a tiny elite who manipulate the financial system and mass media to deceive and trick the population into participating voluntarily, with the backing of the full violence of the state to force and coerce participation where the people do not fall for these lies and tricks, and would not, without threats of state violence, participate.

V-coin offers a way to ‘finance’ The Vegan Republic’ and turn a dream into reality. It is a framework upon which a Vegan community can form and a Vegan society can develop.

We can consider what large scale ‘exports’ our Vegan Republic might initially offer. Education appears to me to be the first best large scale enterprise. It can be offered virtually, with no need for real estate. But also I can foresee all sorts of tradespeople and business people being willing to exchange their goods and services and cash for V-coin, in order to guarantee their children the highest quality education. The people actually building the school will be able to use the V-coin they are paid in, to pay for the education of their children, in the actual buildings they have built.

It is important to note that initially our Vegan Nation would not be able to produce every good and service itself. So people will have to buy things no-one is currently accepting V-coin for, with cash. Our administration will have access to cash obtained when people buy V-coin from our treasury. However other people will need to participate in the conventional economy in order to earn cash to pay for goods and services that, at least in the very short term, no-one is willing to accept V-coin for.

Anyone familiar with the operations and consequences of actions of ‘The Federal Reserve’ or ‘European Central Bank’ will shudder with horror just thinking about them. The Banksters with their ‘financial instruments’ have carried out programs of ECONOMIC WRECKING and appropriated most of the real value produced by workers, for centuries. V-coin is not just a new digital currency. It as a whole new model for the provision of the SERVICE we call ‘money’. It is a superior alternative that can displace the current currencies and political systems without any violence. It remains to be seen what violence the powers that be will adopt to attempt to crush V-coin. Colonel Ghadafi, President of Libya, provides a case study to give us pause. So be warned. And vigilant. Rather than naive.

Rather than the cash that flows into speculative digital currencies like Bit-Coin ending up in the pockets of a few speculators, it will be immediately invested in positive value producing enterprises, such as a K to Ph.D Vegan School and University. Perhaps initially ‘employing’ a lot of volunteer, retired, teachers and lecturers. Many people with pensions and investments are looking for the PURPOSEFUL ACTION necessary to feeling contentment and happiness. Untold Billions are being donated to negative value producing charities and enterprises which would flow, I believe, to us, if people were truly educated and enlightened.

We need to explain our mission to those famous celebrities who could use their fame and influence positively. And to those wealthy individuals who are seeking to do something truly positive with it.

Depending on the legal basis upon which we constitute the enterprise, we will have different opportunities. Perhaps we shall constitute several cooperating legal entities to ensure we benefit from, rather than are hindered by, the conventional legal systems and institutions we have to live with, until we can establish a geographical territory for our Vegan Republic. If a Church can sell its breakfast cereals tax free, then a Vegan Church will be able to sell Vegan products tax free, and enjoy a competitive advantage. If we can attract volunteers then we can expand faster. More and more people are realising that PURPOSEFUL ACTION is the basis of happiness and contentment, and that the typical ‘career paths’ did not provide this for their parents, siblings, and friends, or have found this from personal experience, and are seeking to be part of some POSITIVE PURPOSE. Something bigger than themselves that they can give themselves to, and become part of.

V-coin, along with a not-for-profit Vegan Holding Company investing in Vegan companies to ensure Vegan products are accessible to as many people as possible, in terms of price and quality and variety, and Vegan Church activities, will form the core foundation of a Vegan Republic, that can emerge first alongside existing nations, and then take its place as the model nation, once we have the resources to establish a real sovereign Vegan Nation, on land and-or on sea.

Further, V-coin will be produced as a model of money as a generative, productive, constructive, value adding, service. Any nation will be free to replicate our model to suit their needs. Any charity or not-for-financial profit-organisation will be free to emulate our model. Currently ‘occupied’ nations will be able to throw off their occupation governments and reinstate their constitutional republics, once they have thrown off the yoke of the predatory, parasitical, money systems they have been enslaved by, and occupied through.

If this pitch captured your attention, I now offer a detailed description and explanation of what money is and how it works, and how it can work against or for you, in order to more fully explain the principles of money, and superiority of V-coin, and in fact the VEGAN REPUBLIC, over all existing forms of social organisation, not just financial services.


You can barter for goods and services, and literally exchange them at the end of the negotiation.

This is easy if both parties to the exchange have items which the other party considers of equal value to them.

Or when the items can be easily divided, to ensure what is traded is, in the traders reckoning, of equal value.

For example you could easily use any fluid, or powder, that can be easily divided into ‘measures’ using agreed upon weights and containers to determine weight and volume.

So you might first trade your pig for a quantity of SALT, flour, or oil that can then be used as just described, to buy smaller items from a number of different traders, rather than having to resort to cutting up the pig, and hoping everyone is willing to trade for pig.

They will probably value them personally according to how much work, effort, risk, and sacrifice went into getting them.

Time and risk and effort and sacrifice. These are the inputs of the hunter gatherer, the farmer, the tradesperson, the artisan, the artist, the doctor, and the sex worker.

Of course there are instances where the seller has the best bargaining position, because the buyer is in desperate need of what they have. It is always a question of how much the seller would prefer to keep the items, and how desperate the buyer is to have them. This is the supply and demand we all hear about.

If there is just one supplier that the buyer has access to, the seller has all the power to negotiate the highest price. For example in wartime black markets you could trade a meal for gold or jewels, because the owner of the jewels and gold needs food so desperately, and so few people are willing to barter for it, because they themselves are reluctant to part with the same food.

Remember this when someone tells you that gold and silver are the best ‘stores of value’, while another is selling your rights to food produced on the permaculture farm their investment will be used to set up and run.

Where the inputs are personal time, effort, risk, and sacrifice, the individual can decide how much of each to input, and the price they demand can reflect their ACTUAL effort, risk, time, and sacrifice. Some people are lucky and gain WINDFALLS, such as finding gold, or nuts and berries and fruit, by pure good luck, without much WORK. Here is the point. The WORK that most people expect is needed to expend in the bringing of some good or service to market, provides a rough estimate for beginning negotiations. If you stumble across a mango tree loaded with fruit, when normallly people need to spend hours searching for, then gathering and collecting, the same amount of mangos you, by luck, collected in a few minutes, then the price they will be willing to pay will reflect the more typical hours of labor, effort, sacrifice, and risk, rather than the few minutes it took you. You have accumulated WINDFALL PROFITS. The WINDFALL is the difference between your ACTUAL effort, sacrifice, time, and risk, and what is typically required to bring the same products to market.

If this guide was about all the scams associated with money and finance, I could explain them all as simply, but we can save that for another time.

I will get straight to WORK. Even blockchain BITCOINS are accepted as PROOF OF WORK. In this case the WORK refers to the processing of files and exchange of files between PEERS on the blockchain. The WORK itself is done by computers. But in theory the owner of the computers had to WORK to pay for the cost of buying the computers and graphics cards and other hardware, then supplying the computers with electricity, and cooling systems which require the purchase of electricity. If that money was earned fairly, it has now been INVESTED in PRODUCTIVE CAPITAL, from the point of view of those who WOULD benefit if BITCOIN were NOT merely a new speculative, financial instrument, but was in fact used to offer the SERVICE that the blockchain, and bitcoin, have the potential to provide. Such as reducing tax collection, financial transaction, and record keeping, costs. The real cost of these would be the number and type of transactions on any blockchain, divided by the cost of processing it and ‘closing’ it. The bitcoin is ‘created’ when a blockchain is closed. The cost of processing all the transactions within that discrete block chain, in terms of computers and electricity, is now fixed. As the bitcoin system expands, each new blockchain must include all previous blockchains, and so the amount of WORK required to process each new transaction increases, in terms of computing power and electricity, and so while the first ‘closed’ blockchain might have taken little time and cost, the last one will be extraordinarily ‘expensive’. And then the number of bitcoin will have reached its maximum. No more bitcoin can be produced within that system. And so I wonder what happens to the system? There is no longer any incentive for people to work ‘for free’ simply to own the next bitcoin, and sell it. How are new transactions added to the system? In other words, how can the system provide the service it was theoretically designed to offer?

Back to WORK. A product or service is PROOF OF WORK. In some cultures huge stone wheels were carved out. It was clear how much work it would take to create another one. So you had your original PROOF OF WORK. As long as people accepted stone wheels as currency, you could be sure of the work that went into their production. To produce new wheels it would take the same amount of work. But what is some clever person invented a way to produce wheels really fast, without much work? I won’t go into that here, but it gets to the heart of the modern banking system.

So any good or service brought to market is IT’S OWN PROOF OF WORK. Unless they inherited that money without having to do any WORK themselves. Or found some clever scheme to CREATE MONEY OUT OF NOTHING. Or to STEAL the goods or services. Or trick people into handing them over. Or EXTORTING people to obtain them, which is what TAXATION effectively is. These are all examples of UNEARNED CAPITAL. This is the Capital that makes most people envious, jealous, and angry. Because the owner did not have to invest their time, or make any effort, sacrifice, or take any risks, to attain it.

Promissory notes promise that a good or service will be provided in future, rather than immediately. This is the sort of PAPER MONEY most people think of when talking about money. Which brings us to an important point.

STORE OF VALUE. When a TREASURY issues promissory notes, backed by the treasure claimed to be in the treasury, with its high security protection, you can assume the treasure will be safely stored, and will be there in years to come, if you choose to wait that long to REDEEM the promise, and CASH IN the promissory note, for gold, silver, and so on. The promise is only as good as the honesty and security of the treasurer and treasury.

Today we think of Kings or governments with treasuries, issuing currency. Originally backed by the treasure they claimed to hold in their vaults. Originally gold and silver. But in the beginning it was the Goldsmith who had the safest, most secure, facilities to store gold and silver. Because they needed to keep gold and silver on site, for use in their work. They built SAFES.

If you intended traveling a long distance, through lands full of thieves and bandits, it was safer and easier to deposit your gold with a Goldsmith, then have them write out a document stating you had done this, and PROMISING to return that gold upon presentation of this PROMISSORY NOTE. You paid them a fee for this service. For that is what such MONEY really is. A SERVICE.

The Goldsmith might promise not to touch that gold till someone offered up the promissory note. But it could be very profitable to LEND that gold out to someone, while YOU were on your journey. It might take YEARS for that promissory note to be presented. So there was little risk of someone presenting it for some time. In the mean time you could LOAN OUT that gold AT INTEREST. So the goldsmith soon found it more profitable to be a gold lender, than to bother producing gold and silver decorations.

The promissory notes would never suffer inflation, because gold and silver were so rare, an increase in their supply above the growth in the population and production was unlikely. The only risk was that the Goldsmith did not keep enough gold in RESERVE (did not lend it out for interest) to cover the promissory notes likely to be presented at any given moment. As long as people TRUSTED the Goldsmith, they would be happy to keep the promissory notes, rather than REDEEM them for the actual gold they REPRESENTED. So the Goldsmith, now BANKER, was pretty safe. But if people lost FAITH in the Goldsmith, and decided they would rather have the gold, and take the risk of protecting it upon themselves, and they all, at the same time, demanded the gold promised, the Goldsmith would be exposed as a BANKER, to an angry mob of promissory note holders. This is what is called a RUN ON THE BANK. Even today banks have closed their doors because they did not have enough RESERVES even of simple paper fiat currency to allow their clients to REDEEM the electronic ledger balances in their bank accounts in the form of fiat currency, let alone gold or silver.

FIAT CURRENCY which is simply currency that is NOT backed by any real asset or commodity, and the promise of that issuing authority to REDEEM that piece of paper FOR the value of gold or silver stated on the paper money, such as ‘20 pounds sterling’, in the case of a ‘twenty pound note’. Fiat currency is not backed by anything, other than military force, and the real value of goods and services that may be bought with that currency. Many people are willing to exchange their time, effort, sacrifice, risk, and property, for the currency, while others are FORCED to accept fiat currency for real commodities such as oil. Fail to submit to such force and lethal force will be used, as in the case of the Libyan leader, Colonel Ghadafi, whose government was blackmailed and coerced into assuming responsibilty for The Lockerbie Air Disaster, and later murdered in cold blood, on camera, to reinstate U.S dollar Hegemony in Africa.

But note that, for example, in Sweden you cannot use their FIAT CURRENCY to pay for many goods and services, or even to catch a government bus. It is NOT a promise of goods and services. I wonder if you can even pay your TAXES with it. No-one is COMPELLED by THE STATE to accept it in return for goods and services. Think about this.

Kings and national governments issue fiat currency and then FORCE people to use it. It is defined as the ‘LEGAL TENDER’ for some geographic region. Everyone is COMPELLED to use it in transactions. Barter is criminalised. All good and service providers must ACCEPT the currency in exchange for their goods and services. Buyers may not pay for goods and services in any other way. The AUTHORITIES will arrest and fine and imprison anyone who violates this LAW. In the case of Libyan oil sales, the punishment was death.

People are FORCED to CHARGE and to PAY ‘SALES TAX’ on every transaction. To record every transaction in a ledger, then collect the SALES TAX for the AUTHORITIES, at the point of sale or transaction.

The REAL VALUE of any fiat currency is the value of all goods and services produced, divided by the nominal value of all the fiat currency in circulation in the geographical area that the King or Government control.

So if GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT, the value of goods and services produced, falls, you get INFLATION. There is now more currency than things to buy with it. If GDP stays the same, but the government issues more fiat currency, you get inflation. Because again there is more currency chasing the same goods and services.

Reflexively, and here we come to the real attraction of fiat currencies for Governments, if the government increase the money supply, without making real investments that will increase GDP, it will produce inflation. There is no difference, for all intents and purposes, between increasing taxes and increasing the money supply. Printing more money, or ‘creating’ money electronically, by ‘lending’ it to Banks and spending it electronically, all other things being equal, is an increase in tax that the public never get to vote against, as it is carried out by organisations no-one gets to vote in OR out, of office. They define themselves as ‘independent’ but this is a weasel-word or ‘sleight of mouth’ for ‘free to do as they please’. They claim to operate free from political interest in the interests of the public. But they are in fact PRIVATE BANKS THAT EXIST FOR THE PROFIT OF THEIR SHAREHOLDERS. They are agents of ECONOMIC WRECKING. Their role is to bankrupt nations, making them debt slaves to the World Bank and IMF, the de-facto One World Government that acts as Proxies for The New World Order elites.

Tax is at the heart of fiat currency. A British King once ‘sold’ carved sticks that could be used to PAY TAXES. All nobles were forced by the King to pay taxes. So they had to ‘buy’ these relatively worthless sticks from the treasury. If they failed to pay their taxes they were imprisoned, and their lands and possessions would be confiscated by the King. The same thing happens today, if you fail to pay your taxes. And the Government ONLY ACCEPT FIAT CURRENCY FOR THE PAYMENT OF TAXES.

Ideally the treasury pass the money onto the government’s advisors who then ensure the money paid for the sticks is INVESTED in ways that INCREASE THE GDP OF THE NATION OR KINGDOM. Of course some government workers must be paid, especially the thugs who enforce the laws, to make good on the King’s or Governments threats of ‘PAY YOUR TAXES OR ELSE’. They represent the ‘All Else’ in this threat. The TEETH of THE LAW. But the rest would ideally be spent on productive investments that generated more value than they cost, and ultimately increased the GDP of the nation by a value greater than the tax itself. So that in effect they were forcing the nobles to INVEST in their nation.

Security of borders prevents thefts and raids and murder. LAW AND ORDER is always the promise of Kings and Governments. It is not in itself productive of value, but it protects value, and makes people confident to work hard, save, and invest themselves. Education increases GDP in the long run, by producing skills and services that add value, and generate value. Health care keeps people strong and healthy and productive.

And then there is the possibility of lending money to farmers, and artisans, and craftspeople, and tradespeople, so they can grow their businesses, produce more food more efficiently, and produce new goods and services, all increasing GDP.

As long as you truly DO INVEST the money you extorted by force and threats, you are offering a real service, and are a BLESSING unto your people. Even though they do not WANT to pay taxes, they have to admit all the good things being done with them, and will begrudgingly submit to even todays massive taxation. Not that they have a choice, mind you. The IRS of America, that enforces tax codes on Americans, is a large army in its own right, possessing more ‘fire power’ than many nations. With the legal right to KILL, to enforce the tax code, and coerce payment of taxes, even those UNCONSTITUTIONAL. And police will enforce fines levied by unconstitutional non government organisations, at the point of guns, and much more serious weapons, where needed.

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