Cat wrangling and the art of the possible

O.K, so this is my last attempt to collaborate with PETA, and probably anyone else. For I cannot find an organisation more compatible with my own aims and objectives than PETA. And I don’t see how I could re-produce such an organisation myself, being so far, no-one, from no-where. And having the additional ‘baggage’ weighing me down of being a true philosopher, like Socrates, who is bound to be rejected by the bulk of people, for being critical of them.

I realised after finishing this that I’d not explained my point here. So I interject to make one last plea to PETA, or similar group, to work with me on the following. I would ask them for a set of rooms, or land, on which to set up a small recording space. Where I could teach audio engineering. Recording. Mixing. And also Film stuff. I am working on a holistic film guide now, to that end. So we would have a facility where we could record VEGAN bands, musicians, and so on. I’d work for nothing, but demand a contractual agreement under which those groups/ performers I produced and so on would be obliged to share a fixed percent of their total earnings with PETA, as tax deductible donations. To ENSURE reciprocation. And we could teach classes to VEGAN Film makers, and musicians, and song writers, and other creative VEGANS. And generate revenue for PETA. And for my Vegan Holding Company / Co-operative, which would ensure that the PROFITS from vegan companies went BACK towards promoting veganism, promoting animal rights, promoting the abolition of all forms of violence including animal cruelty, and ensure that a VEGAN lifestyle would become the most DESIRABLE one, being both cheaper, tastier, BETTER than the alternative. Because we’d take the profit motive out of the equation. We’d take the appropriation of profits by selfish share-holders and business owners out of the equation. We’d apply the best principles of business management to ‘not for profit’ businesses. Bypassing the IRS’s theft / appropriation of value. Ideally setting up businesses in VEGAN COMMUNES, like the Kibbutzim in Israel.

I’d love to work on a VEgan Kibbutz, anywhere in the world, to learn from them, and figure out BETTER ways of doing things. To find the MOST VEGAN and MOST JUSTICE that is consistent with TROONATNOOR. To become, like Bismark, ‘the artist of the possible’. To master ‘the art of the possible’. To discover what IS possible. Then realise it. A VEGAN plane-et. Indivdiual by individual. Community by community. Maybe it will take the form of a ‘Vegan Community Church’, established as a religion. But with no dogmas and no limited ‘higher power’…and certainly NOTHING like the Cult of Judah’s subsidiaries, let alone its main branch! So now back to the general.

But please, if you are with PETA, or a similar organisation, and are AMBITIOUS, and SERIOUS, and not just enjoying feeling ‘superior’ to others, and able to FREE YOURSELF from the Cult of Judah mind prison, with its religions and ideologies, then please contact me. There is so much DETAIL I could work out and document, hopefully with some legal professionals, and business people, and commune / kibbutz leaders, to realise this dream.

And yes, Cult of Judah, if you let me realise this VEGANISATION campaign, I will be too busy to waste any time trying to defy you, and would consider any such effort a waste of precious time and resources. Knowing that you will fail, the moment this world moves in the VEGAN direction. Knowing that YOU will be TRANSFORMED by this process. And all your systems of control and power will become VEHICLES for GOOD. For freedom. For VEGAN FREEDOM. So if you are so sure you are right, help me out with this Vegan ambition. Or is it you are terrified of this VEGAN idea. As it IS the ONLY escape hatch. The ONLY response capable of defeating evil in this world? I don’t have long left being Markus. I don’t have a Plato ready to make the world pay attention to my legacy. I have one Israeli ‘Jew’ on my side. Otherwise I am totally alone. And that one person barely has any interaction at all with me. So I am really alone. In every sense.

Oh, and I realise I cannot go on without some form of ‘community’. Some sort of ‘fellowship’. It is not humanly possible. Or is that the point? That I must become post-human, to achieve this transformation of humanity? A hard road. A heavy burden to bear. Can I bear it much longer? I’d rather seek a community. Being human, I need others. Ex-communication usually meant death. That was the whole point of it. A fate WORSE than death for most people. Impossible to bear. The worst ‘punishment’ for provoking the ‘beneficiary classes’. Usually the priesthoods, and their proxies, the nobility. Those at the top of the pyramid. Who get those below them to do their ‘dirty work’. In every sense. Including their ‘cruxifixions’. And their ‘pre-emptive strikes’ upon their competitors. Their ‘adversaries’. Their ‘Shaitan’. Their ‘satans’. So now back to the philosophy.

It is fine to be critical of a narrow group of people. Then the majority will love you. And as most other people’s criticism is opportunistic, we are basically talking about politics. About perceived self-interest. Attempts to grab as big a piece of the pie that society produces, for themselves. Not about principles and ethics and long term, enlightened, self-interest. Most people are opportunistic in all aspects of their lives. They dress up their calculations of self-interest with a veneer of glamorous ‘principles’ and ‘ethics’, but any time they perceive a shifting OF those calculations, and of that self-interest, they will shift with it. Often between what on the surface appear to be conflicting belief systems, political systems, politics, religious beliefs, attitudes, and mores. Simply become one set of beliefs appears to serve their perceieved self-interest better, based on their own calculations OF self-interest.

One opportunity I have is that these calculations are usually wrong. Based on faulty logic and reasoning. And fed by propaganda. Fake news. Fake history. Fictional narratives. Hearsay. The original spark in me was the goddess of economics. The instinct to ‘check the calculations’. To ‘check the books’. To discover what sort of system really WAS in the interests of the general population.

But then you find that ALL social actors are acting opportunistically. And they ALL desire slavery. They all desire pyramid structures where a few benefit most from the work of the majority. People want lavish luxury and wealth and power and prestige and status for themselves. They aspire to this. And they seek ideologies and fake philosophies and fake religions that will let them legitmate and justify such massive inequality, as fair, just, ‘the natural order of things’, the ‘god-given’ order of things.

I could remove most inequality and social injustice. Then I remember how my fellow work-mates in the public service always managed to find something to complain about. Something to envy. And how they jealously guarded the slightest perceived ‘benefit’, prestige, status, perk, or privilege that they themselves enjoyed. And how maliciously envious they were of the slightest perceived benefit, opportunity, and so on, that I appeared to enjoy. After being moved from right behind a photocopier that was spewing out noxious vapors, to a nook that faced the window, I was immediately envied and accused of ‘special treatment’. I was then told how it was unfair that I was to be ‘fast tracked’. Even though I earned less than all of the people complaining about this. People who had never bothered to get a degree even. Let alone work their way through university like myself, doing several different jobs including military service, and studying hard and working hard, to get the best possible grades. To get the most education OUT of my education possible. In reality there were NO opportunities in the section I had volunteered to work in. The only ‘fast-tracking’ involved was that I could start work a few weeks earlier, and begin earning an income, a few weeks earlier, and have my petrol costs paid for the several thousand kilometer drive to Canberra. I was not informed of the incredible disadvantage I had accepted. For while every other graduate administrative assistant was quickly promoted to the next highest level, with a 30% payrise (I was paid less than people with zero education doing ‘menial’ jobs at the ABS, as a graduate administrative assistant), I was informed, months after having accepted what I now realise was a ‘poison’ job transfer to the ‘Training and Education’ section, that there were, and would not be, any promotions in my section. So I was forced to apply for the jobs that the current incumbents, in other sections, were competing for. And thus at an extreme disantvantage. Now if I had stuck with the original job offer, from the Economics section, I would have been promoted within a few months, like all the other graduate administrative assistants who had been recruited along with me. I was actually impressed, because all the other graduates I met had perfect scores in all areas, meaning the general IQ and performance intelligence Public Service exams, and their Academic records. So the ABS really had managed a coup that year, thanks to ‘the recession we had to have’, introduced by that Cult of Judah puppet who dared call the ONLY world leader who publically denounced Zionism and Israel’s treatment of the Palestinians, as ‘recalcitrant’. And who is now an alleged necrophiliac pedophile pig farmer. Paul Keating. Whose policies I defended during my ABS job interview with the recruiter from the Economics division of the ABS. That’s ‘Australian Bureau of Statistics’. Which at that time was strong-arming people into giving up personal information, with threats of heavy fines. In violation of what most Australians had thought of as ‘constitutional rights’. Though having no such rights in law, most bowed down to pressure, and provided the ABS with private information and business information they would otherwise NOT have volunteered.

So back to the idea of a ‘harmonious’ society where no-one wasted precious energy bitching about someone else having something ‘better’, and this being ‘unfair’. No matter how ‘level’ you made society, the opportunists who were not willing to take responsibility for their own inferiority, or accept some natural inequality (while rejecting the idea of eugenics and monstrous, and demanding the right to reproduce the same inferiority they naturally inherited, and suffer under, and want to have ignored or even re-defined as ‘superiority’), would try to undermine others, and prevent them enjoying the fruits of their labor, effort, risk, and sacrifice, out of malicious spite, and envy. And they would attempt to prevent others enjoying what they already had, out of a jealous desire to guard any such personal benefits, privileges, statuses, or prestige. I was supposed to feel bad that, having worked and studied so hard for 3 years to get a job, I would get some sort of ‘preferential treatment’ compared to the lazy ‘time servers’ who had never made any effort to improve themselves. Despite being given EVERY opportunity and support from the government, and their employer, to do so. People who imagined they possessed some qualifications, and skill, and intelligence, but were unwilling to demonstrate it academically. And who failed to show it any other way, during the interactions I had with them. Where I was relatively constantly ‘correcting’ and ‘improving’ their survey questionnaire, while they grudgingly conceded, and made the improvements. And when I totally rewrote a draft survey introduction, the ‘supervisor’ was ‘horrified’ and ‘shocked’. That I would dare to do such a thing. That I would consider myself even ‘fit’ to do such a thing. As if it was ‘how many years you had put in at the job’ that determined your effectiveness and abilities, rather than your natural abilities, and years of hard, intensive, study.

Yes, so there are few grounds to expect that the ‘rabble’ would ‘be satisfied’ with any level of equality I provided for them. They would always find something to complain about. While now some people simply are born to a life of wealth and privilege, and others to absolute struggle for just the basics, in my world people would still complain ‘how dare that person enjoy 4 times as much consumption as I do’. When in the world before my world ‘that person’ would have enjoyed 10000 times the consumption, and that consumption, of the one complaining, would have been about a quarter of what it is under my new system. So nothing to look forward to on that account.

Then we have the eternal problem of ‘mobbing’. The problem of democracy, really. Tell everyone their opinion is of equal value, and they will greedily believe it. Tell people they are all equal, and they will secretly tell themselves they are superior, but at least publically can go along with the fiction, simply as it ‘cuts down the tall poppies’ for them. Puts their ‘superiors’ and ‘betters’ ‘in their place’. So they can plot and scheme to seek out superior benefits for THEMSELVES. While pretending to be all about ‘equality’ and ‘social justice’ and ‘fairness’. The Polish industrial workers union felt entitled to MORE than the farmers. THAT was what ‘Solidarity’ meant to THEM. The entire ‘Solidarity’ political movement was NOT based on equality and justice. It was a strong arm move on the part of the more powerful industrial workers to, as a ‘mob’, gain MORE benefits at the expense of the farmers and agricultural sector. They felt they ‘deserved’ and were ‘entitled’ to a bigger piece of the pie, because they felt THEIR work was harder, more dangerous, and thus should be rewarded better. That their work was conveniently spread out over 8 hours per day, and 5 days a week, compared to the farmer’s ‘dawn to dusk’, ‘7 days a week’ labors, was conveniently overlooked. And so on and so forth. So that political movement promoted in the West as ‘Solidarity’, was ironically named. For it was based on the exact OPPOSITE of solidarity. That of division.

Mobbing is where people who hate each other, and are waiting for the next opportunity to ‘cut each other’s throats’ in one way or another, temporarily form a union, based on a common envy, hatred, or perceived, shared, injustice. Usually their target is isolated and weak. A ‘tall poppy’ alone, and easily ‘cut down’. One person finds them ‘too pretty’, another ‘too smart’, another doesn’t like their ethnic or religious or social background, another felt ‘slighted’ in some way by them, and others just find it enjoyable to harm others, and take every opportunity to do so, the opportunities usually lacking in their daily life, as they are powerless to inflict such harm on any one. But in such a ‘mob’ they feel empowered, and can express these destructive urges.

Hierarchies of power and prestige keep such mobs in check. People are invested with more power. They are rewarded for the extra stress and frustration of being ‘cat wranglers’. Which is what, Marcus Aurielus discovered, it means to ‘manage people’. To try to ‘lead’ people. To try to get them ‘behaving’ differently to ‘wild animals’. To ‘tame’ the ‘mob’. That ‘wild beast’.

One of the clear benefits of inequality, is that at least someone, for some time, gets raised above the mob, and empowered to compel the mob to ‘behave’. To control their urges and impulses. To stop behaving LIKE a mob. And to pretend to aspire to the higher virtues.

Anyone who believes anarchy can work probably has little experience trying to organise any sort of large scale social organisation, as required for almost all of our modern production and distribution systems. Anything from education to factories to mass transit systems.

Anyone who denies Adam Smiths observations that ‘two or more people cannot meet, under any circumstances, that they will not naturally tend to conspire against the good of the general public’, is unfit to be a ‘cat wrangler’. To manage people. To manage organisations. To manage society. People are always bound to seek ways to appropriate a bigger piece of the pie for themselves, at the expense of everyone else. They will tell themselves they ‘deserve’ this. Are ‘entitled’ to it. Sometimes they are. But this is never the general rule. And the argument is usually specious and sophistic. Self-deceiving. Dishonest. People feel entitled to more than others. Or perceive that others do NOT deserve the superior benefits they enjoy. They can easily convince themselves of this. And convince others.

Of course the massive inequality that human society somehow established as the norm over the last few thousand years is completely unfair and unjust and unacceptable. It raises the question of ‘How the fuck did we get this way’? How DID those few people manage to maintain their benefits? Well simply via that ‘pyramid’ scheme / structure. And being willing to use monstrous violence on anyone who defied ‘the system’. And them. So I would never have criticised a peasant in Europe or Russia for hating their ‘betters’, and actually destroying that system. Only who was it ‘re-directed’ that justified rage to simply install the same system, under a new name? The Cult of Judah. So that the Cult of Judah elites, who had ‘gifted’ the ‘nobility’ their ‘god-given rights/privileges/powers/wealth, could re-take what was always theirs. They had forged the system that made it possible for a few to rule the many. And so it was only predictable that they would later demand control of that system. Gain control of it.

But back to my starting point, which motivated me to write this. I have to work out what is possible. The art of the possible. That is what Bismark called politics. Of course Bismark was described by Cult of Judah philosohpers in the same terms they later applied to Adolf Hitler, at the time of his rise to power. Only ‘free’ historians glorified Bismark and gave him the credit due to him. Doing the same thing for Adolf Hitler in our day means you lose your government job, your pension, your private sector government supply contracts, your social status, your income, then usually your family, and your freedom. So don’t expect to hear the TRUTH about National Socialism and Adolf Hitler, any more than you can expect a Cult of Judah agent, during Bismark’s time, to do anything other than demonise him. So, to the art of the Possible. Politics. Cat Wrangling.

Who would ever look at me, on a good day, and have any idea what I’ve been through. How much I’ve sacrificed. The risks I’ve taken. The hard work I’ve put in. The isolations. The loneliness. The social rejection and ex-communication on almost every level I’ve endured. Simply to be where I am. Like Odin, ‘sacrificing myself to myself’. He hung on that world-tree to get the secret of the runes. I’ve been working on my own mysteries and secrets. The art of the possible. What is possible? And how could it be realised? Given The Realities Of Our Natures, And The Nature Of Our Realities?

So if one day I manage to enjoy some sort of quality of life, and the fruits of that effort, sacrifice, and risk, there will be lots of people envious of what I have, and other with it, who will jealously guard their sense of entitlement to a monopoly ON it. Remember envy is where you want what others have. Often even hate them for having it. Jealousy is where you want to be the ONLY one with that benefit. You don’t want others to share the same enjoyments you get to enjoy. The status or privelig. The joy. The satisfaction. For, for humans, having a monopoly on some satisfaction, the sheer exclusivity of enjoyment, massively increases the actual satisfaction itself. For the idea of ‘having more’ or ‘better’ is itself a ‘good’ that is ‘enjoyed’. A sense of ‘superiority’. David Hume explains that ‘happiness’ is the feeling that you enjoy more good stuff than others, or more than YOU used to. So it is relative. Habituation means the actual pleasure and satisfaction derived from most ‘goods’ falls quickly with the ability to enjoy it. It was more the GAINING of it. The CHANGE. That was what brought the satisfaction. The stimulation. And once having it, and taking it for granted, it loses the ability to provide genuine satisfaction. Like drug addictions. Like addictions of all kinds. You always need MORE power, privelig, benefits, flavor, kick, to enjoy the SAME previous benchmark. Because it IS about COMPARISON WITH A BENCHMARK. The old you. Or others. And no matter how much YOU have, it will not provide genuine satisfaction, unless it is MORE THAN what others have. Or what YOU used to have. So we have our sissyfussian dilemma. Even in a context of plenty and abundance. As long as we continue down that same path to ‘happiness’.

A person can feel ‘rich’ and ‘blessed’ for having a cup of cocoa, when everyone else has to make do with barley coffee. When their shack has window panes that let in light, and a chimney that doesn’t smoke, while their neighbours must do without such ‘luxuries’. They will feel at least as much contentment and ‘happiness’ and ‘sense of well being’ as the person, today, who has just bought the latest model luxury sports car, and gets their ‘starbucks’ coffee delivered 4 times a day, feels when comparing their own situation with the ‘plebs’ drinking filter coffee, and driving a standard family car.

Can you IMAGINE how YOUR life would seem to an eighteenth century peasant in Germany, or Russia, or even England? Pure bliss. Pure luxury. They could never imagine what you would possibly have to complain about! In every sense of what ‘well-being’ could possibly mean. And yet most people are dissatisfied. Unhappy. Feeling deprived. Unlucky. Unfortunate. Feeling fortunate is closely linked to feeling happy. Feeling you have MORE than you used to. Are ‘better off’. Have something to be thankful FOR.

The billionaire who ‘falls from grace’ to being a mere multi-millionaire will feel deprived. That the world is unfair. Unjust. They will fall into a deep despair. When there are literally BILLIONS of people who, if suddenly thrust up into their current lifestyle, would bless and thank every god they’d ever heard of for their great good fortune. Their luck.

I will happily work for 4 times the ‘normal’ salary. I feel that after more than 30 years slaving for the good of society, that I deserve that. 30 years without any real income, let alone being fairly rewarded for my effort, risk, and sacrifice. Of course compared to German and Australian standards. I wouldn’t dare make a universal comparison of my life with what MOST people on this planet have to deal with. But I have lived in the smallest rooms, with the worst food, the lowest levels of comfort and convenience, walking 10km through snow drifts to buy food marked down by 50% or more, and day old bread, and wearing 4 layers of clothing to save on heating, and washing myself in less than one bucket of warm water, in which I then washed my clothing, and which I then flushed the toilet with. Cutting my own hair. Enduring tooth aches and pains. Enduring ‘sick headaches’ and ‘migraines’. Enduring loneliness. Enduring rejection and ex-communication. Black-listing. And in the last few years, the constant fear of ‘thought police’ arresting me, and locking me in solitary, or worse, for simply being a philosopher like Socrates. You think the world has changed much since Socrate’s time? Remember he was convicted to death by a democratic process of his own community. Who knew him personally. Who must have seen what a superior person he was. And yet because he was ‘inconvenient’, they sentenced him to death. At least Socrates had a few friends helping him in his last days. And a Plato to later commemorate his actions and arguments. I am totally alone. And have been this way most of my life. From birth I mean. I had reason to reject life from the start. I was rejected at birth. Unwanted. Never loved until the age of around 21. I mean not even hugged. Given the least amount of affection. Like some sort of science experiment. Then every time I tried to do good I was crushed by a mob. My brother has some notes I haven’t published, that only go up till a decade ago, about all the ways I’ve been injured by my fellow humans. I stopped recording that stuff years ago. It could fill volumes. Ask him for them one day. If you are interested.

Oh, so what’s this post about? Well, I can see that no matter how much ‘fairness’ and ‘justice’ I managed to deliver, it would never satisfy most people. They will always feel ‘entitled’ to more than they have. And loathe to accept that others ARE genuinely entitled to more than THEY have. So there will always be a SENSE of entitlement and injustice that I won’t be able to eliminate.

And without eugenics, people who felt entitled to force another sentient being to be a copy of themselves, would ensure a world of ever increasing natural inequality. Unless evolution somehow allows such mutation that their children end up superior to the parents.

And people will feel entitled to enjoy benefits at the cost of the suffering of other sentient beings, unless I had the power to FORCE people to BEHAVE otherwise. David Hume explained how, as long as you can get people DO NICE THINGS TO OTHERS, their own minds will JUSTIFY that action, by DESIRING the good of others. So it will take FORCE at first to IMPOSE a vegan lifestyle on most people. After that their own minds will JUSTIFY their own vegan choices as RIGHT and JUST and GOOD and even ‘own’ them as the expressions of their OWN FREE WILL. And as desirable. They will love those they were first FORCED to treat fairly. Any time you are COMPELLED to give something up, to pay a cost, to sacrifice something, for another, your own mind leaves you LOVING that other. Simply TO justify your actions. AS free willed. To remain ‘captain’ of your own ship. See my TROONANTOOR chapters on David Hume for more of the insights this great philosopher generated and shared with us. If he had of been ‘Cult of Judah compatible’, then he would be a household name. And enjoy the justly earned status as ‘the father of psychology’.

So my point is ‘The Fuhrer Princple’. That people will first have to be COMPELLED to behave by some form of FORCE. People NEED someone giving them a REASON to ‘do the right thing’. They WANT this firm leadership and discipline. They crave it. Because we ALL secretly realise that we NEED it. Few of us have the PERSONAL discipline to sacrifice something for the sake of others, and for our own long term benefit. Only the few genuine ‘leaders’ among us have this SELF discipline.

The phenomena of National Socialism boggles the mind, in the context of human history. An elected dictator who actually did for his people what he promised them. Who was competent. And committed. To the GENERAL welfare. Of ALL his people. If the truth about National Socialism and Adolf Hitler ever got out, to the general public, they would be DEMANDING National Socialism at the very next election. This is why there has been a sustained, INTENSE, demonisation campagain against Hitler personally, and National Socialism in general. Why the ONLY real thought crimes on the books are those related to speaking the TRUTH about Hitler, and National Socialism. Just a few thousand academics, managers, teachers, and media personalities, would immediately DESTROY the myths we’ve been fed from cradle to grave, about Adolf Hitler, and National Socialism. So they cannot allow SINGLE person to voice their TRUE opionions on this subject, without bringing the FULL weight of STATE VIOLENCE crashing down upon them, and destroying them UTTERLY, on every level. Social. Personal. Financial. Employment. Business.

Leadership is really micro-management, in the end. Most people are NOT competent to ‘optimalise’ their decisions. So they need to have their freedom of choice limited to within that narrow band of ‘optimal’ choices. But this doesn’t mean anyone has a right to dictate your fashion sense, how you wish to dress, when and where and what (as long as they are all vegan choices) you decide to eat, or even what drugs you wish to take (so long as you do so responsibly, and not in a context that harm to others is reasonably likely to result e.g drink driving, operating industrial equipment, or making decisions that can affect others), how you wish to interact with sexually and in what mutually informed consensual manner you wish to express your sexuality, what sort of ‘higher power’ you wish to ‘worship’ (so long as that higher power is not a malicious cunt like YahWeh, who promotes racism, sexism, greed, slavery, genocide, animal cruelty, injustice, and totally opposes all forms of freedom, equality, creativity, sexual expression, and so on, basically any other gods other than the Cult of Judah’s infantile temptrum throwing, jealous, envious, malicious, cruel, unjust, vindictive, INCOMPETENT god).

Yes I realise that unless I SECRETLY assemble such power, I have no chance, like Hitler, of getting the people to voluntarily promote me to become their ‘Fuhrer’. Or someone like me. Ideally a GROUP of people like me. Ideally superior to me. They may exist. I’d happily SERVE THEM. If such could be found. Like Marcus Aurelius, I don’t fancy the job of ‘cat wrangler’. I love cats. But trying to ‘organise’ them is another matter. Cats shouldn’t BE organised. That is not their nature. We can love cats for what they are. And try to manage things FOR them, so they don’t get hurt, or hurt other sentient beings. But we don’t expect to get their ‘approval’ and ‘acceptance’ of our ‘secret’ management. Maybe it is wrong even to want to ‘manage’ their lives at all. But as long as we leave our doors open, and give THEM the choice or remaining or going, I would err on that side. And then if they DO decide to wander off, we have to accept that their freedom will often come at the price of suffering. Being killed by cars, for example. While we’d do our best to ensure drivers did THEIR best NOT to kill them. And so on.

Anyway, so I expose myself to all the usual Cult of Judah tactics when it comes to demonising and discreding any of their potential adversaries for ‘hearts and minds’. And ultimately power. I openly admit I would accept the position of ‘Philosopher King’, if it were open to me. And if I can set up an organisation that I could micro-manage, I would. There would be no dogma. But I would ONLY accept members who adopted a VEGAN lifestyle. And I would always prefer VEGANS in all my interactions. In the hope of promoting VEGANISM as the ultimate ‘religion’ and ‘ethic’. For it IS the ultimate ETHIC. And morality. And religion. The ONLY one that is not merely an expression of the native human impulse to opportunism. Veganism would impact every aspect of every beings life, in the end. Because we would ACT kindly towards ALL sentient beings, we would end up FEELING kindly towards EVERY sentient being. THAT is human nature, as David Hume revealed. And all the NEGATIVE and DESTRUCTIVE impulses we had would become OUTWEIGHED by the POSITIVE and CONSTRUCTIVE and GENERATIVE and CREATIVE impulses we have. And in this way the POWER and FORCE compelling what were once NEGATIVE DESTRUCTIVE impulses would automatically be ABSORBED BY these positive, generative, creative, constructive, loving, kind impulses. So the result would be that ALL the power of ALL our impulses would become focussed upon POSITVE actions and intentions, motivated by GOOD WILL. The malice that is there would, like the ‘foul’ scents added to the most expensive and exquisite fragrances, actually BOOST the good. For their POWER would be ABSORBED BY the good instincts, impulses, and actions. All the power we’d given to the Cult of Judah would flow back to us. And as Nietzsche noted, with no ‘God’ to flow out to, this power would flow towards OTHERS, and be RETURNED TO US BY THEM. And rather than a small group of deluded, self-entitled, selfish, greedy elites manipulating all things to their own perceived advantage, we’d have groups of elected elites manipulating most things to our common advantage. And leaving MOST of the PERSONAL decisions to our own conscience and taste. A strictly VEGAN lifestyle MUST be IMPOSED. But beyond that, MOST Of the ‘laws’ we have could be disposed of, without damaging anyone. Laws about ‘drug’ use. Those regulating ‘sexuality’ among informed and consenting participants would be obsolete. Laws defining ‘corporations as people’ would be abandoned. Laws that limited personal expression and choices, so long as they did NOT harm any other sentient being, could be abandoned. In fact MOST prisoners could be released immediately. They commited ‘victimless’ crimes. Or ‘crimes’ provoked by other forms of violence by others.

Anyway, I go into more detail in my TROONATNOOR books. And I could and would have to go into more detail if there was ever any chance of ANY competent person like myself, or hopefully MORE competent GROUPS of people BETTER than myself, ever having a chance to get the chance to prove what is possible. Like Adolf Hitler and National Socialism, the moment they had their successes, the Cult of Judah would bring their full power to bear, and destroy them, and their legacy, their memory. To defame them forever after. To demonise them. To ensure that all associations ever made with them were negative. In the hope that this would prevent such a group of leaders, and such a system, from ever arising again, and challenging the dominant hegemonic power of the Cult of Judah.

This day, February 6, of our Cult of Judah Occupation
Cold, alone, isolated, nauseated by the crap, bland, unapetisting food I’ve eaten for so many years (it might be my stomach that breaks me…oh, and it is nothing to do with being vegan, I just can’t spend what it would cost to eat decently, when living on a few dollars a day, as I do, and seemd doomed to have to do, for the forseeable future, and THAT itself ADDS to the nausea, of course! Even my cheap coffee makes me nauseaus now. Literally ‘Ad Nauseaum’. I have to find a way to eat better. Vegan of course! And stop being so cold. But at least this is the first migraine in 2 months, that necessitated ibuprofen, so my ‘vocal training guide’ excercises are working in that area, more or less)
In Exile in Estonia
Would-be Philosopher King
Markus Rehbach
Now back to the music…I even have new guitar strings after about 7 years using the old ones…after a string finally broke!
All the Best
I have provided enough honest information that any group of people capable of realising the sort of world I would want to new-incarnate back into, could realise, quickly. And no matter how hard I struggle, I cannot do any more than that, on my own. And don’t expect to. On this plane-et. I can only hope that in future new-incarnations my world manifests, as the representation of my VEGAN will, all the sorts of features I’d hoped to build into this one.