Estonia...State of Terror

2+2 equals 120 Euro…Estonia State of Terror

How obvious does it have to be before anyone admits the obvious. Police make up a 40 euro misdemeanor charge. They torture me. They lock me up in a dungeon for 3 hours. In the ‘interview room’ I ask to write a statement saying I refute the charges, and I am put in prison for the remainder of 48 hours. In prison I am showed the 40 euro misdemeanour charge sheet again. This time I am allowed to write a statement, and with a translators help, state that I want them to tick the boxes stating that I wish to appeal the charges, and appear personally in court. They write up a different charge sheet stating I did NOT want to appeal the charges or appear in court. Then when I try to have them investigated they make up a NEW charge, which they have NOT mentioned to anyone in ANY of the investigations that have been made, and in ANY of the correspondence sent to me. How obvious does it have to be. They make things up as they go along. You complain and they add new fines. And no-one notices this? No-one cares? Clearly a ‘punishment’ for trying to get an investigation, and a warning to give up? What comes next if I keep trying to get justice???


Hamlet lists all the ills of this world that make being dead a positive alternative. ‘The insolence of office’ is among them.


Seems that no matter how far we think we have progressed as a ‘society’, bad old human nature just keeps rearing its ugly head. Dumb and ugly.


I look around at all the dumb and ugly buildings and broken pavements. Compare this to a similar community is Eastern Germany. Why is it so dumb and ugly after 15 years of ‘freedom’. Expensive cars parked outside rotting concrete buildings. Priorities! But I can understand people not wanting to invest in things you cannot just pack up and take with you in a hurry, when you are forced to leave.


The Russians came here, unwelcomed, and told everyone what to do. If you didn’t do it they terrorised you. If you didn’t bow to them they tortured you, locked you up. If you still didn’t bow, they transported you to Siberia. The ‘Russians’ here told me to go. They terrorised me. They tortured me. They locked me up.


Now they have ‘fined’ me my complete living costs for 2 weeks. After torturing me. After imprisoning me for 48 hours. After wasting so much of my time and energy and willpower.


6 weeks ago everyone at the court building, including people in the public prosecutors office and court, expressed shock when I told them my story. Disbelief. Yesterday they are saying ‘yes, of course the police can lock you up for 48 hours on the smallest of misdemeanour charges, as long as there is some charge. The tiniest supposed infringement, such as making some noise. Anything they care to consruct. Any sort of meaningless charge. And then and there they can handcuff you, and imprison you, without you having any rights except to have one person informed of this, and the right to call a YOUR lawyer, whose phone number you have memorised. And even then they will just lock you up. The lawyer will not be able to stop this. And all for some slight, meaningless, trivial excuse they made.


And then they do can change paperwork, so that where you said you definitely didn’t accept the charges, and wish to go to court, and have a legal aid representative, they simply write up another form and sign it. They claim YOU wouldn’t sign it, to explain why YOUR signature does not appear on the fake new one they wrote up. On this fake one you do NOT wish to appeal.


You ask them again and again for the date your appeal is to be heard in court. If you fail to attend they can come and lock you up again. So you are motivated to find out.


However they don’t tell you anything. In fact they are using their new fake report to ‘decide’ themselves, without any court hearing. And they decide to add another charge to the original 40 euro fine misdemeanor. In the last 6 weeks they have told different ‘investigators’ different stories about what it is they are claiming I did. And only now, after 6 weeks, do I see a NEW charge. One for an additional 80 euro, which one person says is for insulting police officers, and another says is for failing to follow police orders.


The order to ‘Go home Yankee’? The order to agree that Faina is a really nice person and I am evil? The order to agree that I deserve to be tortured, and have no right to call out to a passing friend to get them to witness what is happening, and maybe translate for me?


Now apparently in Estonia is IS quite normal for police to put you in prison in this manner, on the very slightest of pretexts / excuses. Be warned. I find it hard to believe. I cannot believe that the European Union could tolerate this sort of law.


Next the issue that the police made their decision without informing me. They apparently have no need to inform you. Apparently you are supposed to keep going to the police station every day to ask what they are doing with regard to your case. For I only found out by accident, when I asked someone at the court to check the computers again, and they called the police and got some papers send to their office.


According to which the police had ‘decided’ weeks ago to fine me, adding that nasty 80 euro fine to the original one, even though I had already spent 48 in prison. And the thing is, I would never have known I had only 2 days left to appeal, or pay the fine. If I failed to pay the fine they will send the ‘debt’ to a private debt collection agency which would freeze my bank accounts and simply take whatever money they wanted i.e the original fines plus their own fees, commissions, interest etc, which certainly, from a brief visit to a ‘justice ministry’ webpage, would have quickly more than doubled the fines.


Fines for not agreeing with police that Faina is not the world’s most delightful person. Fines for not accepting torture.


And so I ask at the public prosecutors office, and court, what I can do. They each send me back and forth to the other. Finally one insists that the court is responsible for taking my statement that I wish to appeal. Finally they tell me to take a seat and write a note to that effect.


But they all want me to see a lawyer. And here is the point. What sort of legal system can claim to be in the interests of the people, if the people cannot possibly deal with it without expensive middle-men?


It is one thing to be fined two weeks living expenses for nothing, after having already served 48 in solitary. For nothing.


They then basically coerce you into accepting their ‘decision’ by making it impossible to appeal without an expensive lawyer. You have to pay more than the fine to a lawyer to get them to fight the fine. So you cannot win. It is just another form of violence. A fine on a fine. You agree with police about everything, that 2+2=whatever they want it to, or they lock you up. Then they fine you. They don’t tell you you have been fined. You only find out when your bank accounts have been frozen by a debt collection agency, or they have appeared at your house with a bailiff, and are taking anything of value they can sell off cheaply to cover the fine plus fees.


So basically this is a continuation of the harassment, violence, and intimidation. The terrorisation. You cannot know what they will do next. Any time you try to get someone to investigate, they do a lame job of it, merely asking superficial questions and accepting any superficial responses, no matter that each time the police give a different response. No matter that each time the police change some part of their story, and paperwork.


No need to explain why your signature or statement is not attached to their NEW charge sheet. They simply say you didn’t write a statement and refused to sign it. So they can keep writing new documents as they need to cover themselves. Not that any real investigation every occurred.


As far as I know the people I listed as witnesses have never been given a chance to give their statements. Statements which contradict what they police have said. Of course they would have given Faina every chance to vent her malice, and continue her persecution of me.


This is all comes on the tail of around 18 months of police victimisation, bias, prejudice, fraud, failure to follow up on my complaints, and basic terrorisation. All criminal as far as I can see. For police have a certain job to do. Not doing it is a criminal act. An act of omission. They began with acts of omission, and worked their way up to actually committing acts of criminality. Falsifying my statements. Not allowing me to make statements. Apparently it is NOT criminal just to lock someone up for 48 hours on some trumped up trivial misdemeanor charge. Like not doing what Faina says all the time, and ‘disturbing her peace as ruling monarch at 5-11 Pargitaguse’. Like not agreeing with police that she is a lovely woman with only everyone’s best interests at heart. Like not agreeing with police that they are supposed to treat all residents equally.


So beware. You can easily be locked up in Estonia for 48 hours if the police decide they want to. The excuse they give will mean nothing. It can be so trivial that you won’t believe it. And it will be legal.


So I cannot complain about that, here in Estonia. That is the law. The law of the terror state.


But even Estonia has laws about falsifying evidence, falsifying documentation, prejudicial treatment, and maybe even torture. Who knows. It IS possible. One can only dream right?


So the only way to get anywhere is to have someone investigate the last 18 months, allowing me access to all files concerning me, so I can direct the investigators attention to the significant things. Otherwise they would never get anywhere. Just ask ‘did you do a bad thing’ and get the answer from police ‘no, we did nothing wrong’.


I felt like I had walked into alternate universes back at the court building. 6 weeks ago everyone was shocked that I had been locked up for a misdemeanor. Yesterday everyone acting like of course that is O.K. What happened in between? Some blanks on a pro-forma police document were filled in with lies? And because police have written something it must be true?


This is what sucks. People who work with the police just assuming that they, as a ‘we’ are all nice guys, and anyone who challenges this self-perception must be a criminal. It is the state going from the assumption that anything police say must be the truth. Anyone who challenges the police version is lieing, and must be punished for doing so.


They have to be deterred from challenging authority in any way. This is George Orwell’s 1984. This is the terror state. This is Estonia, a fully subsidised member of the European Union in 2013. German and french tax payers are subsidising it. So Estonian police can race around in cars like boy racers? So Estonian lawyers can grow rich ‘interpreting’ the law for the people who supposedly have ‘made’ the laws in the first place?


Or who makes laws? And for whose benefit? If the average person needs to spend months of their income just to appeal a trivial, trumped up misdemeanor charge, then what does this say about the legal system. Is it intended to produce justice? Or is it intended to crush the average person into submission to a police state?


What could be so difficult about writing up laws in plain language that anyone can understand? What is so hard about making processes transparent, so that anyone can represent themselves in court? Surely it is simply about calling witnesses, getting access to documents, and simply laying the case bare?


It would be if the object of the legal system were justice. So it clearly isn’t. Every social survey they do in Estonia reports on the failure of the system, assuming it was meant to produce justice. Is it failure, or is it a deliberate strategy? How hard can it be to change things in a democratic society? Don’t you simply vote on things? If a system is failing, don’t you simply reform it, and get new people in who can make it work? Surely you fire incompetent tradesmen from your building project? But what is it about incompetent public servants? Why are they so special that they don’t need to perform the tasks they are paid to perform with any competence and ethics?


Surely if there is a problem and the public know about it, they simply demand changes. Demand reforms. Laws that are clear and fair. Demand greater accountability. I have argued for years that the legal profession needs to be socialised. It shouldn’t take 4 years of university to work out what the law is, and how it applies to a case. If the government have any record relating to me, I should be able to walk into their office and get a copy of it. I should be asked to actively participate in any investigation that I am demanding. I should be able to direct it. I should have MORE power than the police when it comes to investigating them. For they have the natural advantage over the citizen, and this needs to be balanced.


If challenging police and asking for an investigation of their corruption and/or incompetency automatically cost you a tripling of your original fine, then who is going to do this? If appealing a decision will cost you multiples of what the fine would have cost, in legal fees, not to mention all the time and effort and stress, and fear of further police persecution, then who is going to appeal?


Who except the real criminals with the expensive lawyers who know all the tricks? A Professional criminal is more likely to get off completely free after murdering someone than the average person is likely to get justice after being charged with some absurd and patently fabricated misdemeanor charge, as far as I can see. For real criminals have lawyers. Real lawyers.


I have to remind you of the important of principles. You either have them or you don’t. If you don’t get people to behave when it comes to relatively minor things, then it will certainly be too late when it comes to larger things. This is the real reason most society’s ultimately fall apart. People doing nothing about the ‘little’ things and then finally everything blowing up, when big things happen, and there is no system in place for really dealing with it. The victims take things into their own hands and run riot. For they have lived for years having sacrificed their rights to natural justice to a state that had promised to care for their rights itself. They had put up with a lot, on the understanding that no system is perfect, and that the benefits of centralising ‘violence’ in the hands of the government is still the best option. But when that government continually fails to protect the people, it becomes clear to them that the government itself is a problem that must be eliminated, and the people take back their right to natural justice, to the law of the jungle, to the right to employ violence against violence on an individual basis.


And so the society falls into lawlessness, with each person seeking justice for themselves. This is, in my mind, the real reason for the collapse of societies. Socities usually ‘fail’ at the height or depth of their economic conditions, but the depths are usually only the result of an unjust state, as the heights are usually associated with massive inequality.


I hate to make myself vulnerable to having my honesty about human nature abused, but I will risk it again. I was surprised by my own emotions regarding my experience. I could easily imagine taking revenge upon the people who have committed acts of violence against me, to satisfy the emotional need, knowing full well it would be ‘unreasonable’. For I am a philosopher by nature. I am the most reasonable of people. And even I felt this overwhelming emotional drive just to act, without regard to the consequences. A natural innate urge to protect yourself from the violence and threats of others. And if I am capable of feeling this even for a few moments, then I can only imagine how others feel. Others who are not committed to principles. Others who do not share my silly dreams of a better world. Others who have still not given up on lofty ideals. Others who do not have a vision of a better world. A vision that seems so easy to realise. A vision that is shattered every time I have to deal with average people in average situations.


What would happen if there was a sudden break-down of this society? How many people have grudges that they feel a burning desire to avenge? You think all the violence that has happened in history was just an exception to the rule of human society? You think we are somehow different from those people? People who, as soon as society broke down, began murdering each other. Began torturing each other. Began plotting and scheming to destroy each other. Began transporting each other to Siberia, or labour camps, or prisons. Do you think that all the violence is history? That human nature has changed? That even the systems have changed? That the police today are here to protect our rights? Without bias or favor? Do you think that people in the past suddenly woke up, and because some revolution had been proclaimed, they suddenly became malicious, nasty, violent, vicious individuals? That their hate, their malice, their impulse to destroy others, was produced by some clever propaganda of some clever dictator?


I confess I am a dreamer. I have a vision that I can almost touch, it is so realisable. So easy to attain. So easy to make real. Only problem is human nature. The subjects I would need to work with are the actual problem. It is heart breaking. So predictable. So easy to have contempt for.


6 weeks ago a woman was shocked at my story. Yesterday she was accusing me. Surely I must have deserved whatever happened? ‘You have had trouble with police in other countries, haven’t you?’ Yes, Korea. But nothing like this. She went on to imply that that was obvious proof of my guilt. She made some typical comments, to be expected in this context, which I had prepared for. i.e Why do I keep having trouble with people, if I am not myself the source? i.e I am the common denominator, aren’t I? Well, you see, the common denominator is human nature. And as soon as you are denied the justice in one circumstance, the next victimisers will use your past victimisation against you as an accusation and indictment. So I mention that famous character Jesus, and asked her why he had so much trouble. Of course she got excited that I would dare to place myself in any connection with Jesus. For she was the christian.


I remember 6 weeks ago when she said she would pray for me. And I responded that that was one of the problems with supposed ‘christians’, that they will not actually help you. They will ask their god to. Very generous. Very likely to be of help to the victim. This is the problem with religion. It is all masturbation. No principle. Actions help. Not prayer. All the good christians are unwilling to behave as Jesus has begged them to. Instead they make empty confessions of being ‘christian’ and talk about Jesus , and build huge new churches. They do nothing that would make Jesus smile. It is so irritating and predictable.


And so I replied with my prepared response. It was a predictable attitude so I have considered how I could reply. So I asked her about the woman who was raped once, and had everyone’s sympathy. And then she is raped again, and people stop being sympathetic, as if this second rape somehow casts doubts over the first one. For who gets raped twice? Surely she must be doing something to attract this? Surely she is responsible for being raped? What is she doing to attract all this rape’. I commented in this line, and suddenly, to my surprise, the woman actually agreed, indicating by body language and words that ‘yes, she must have been somehow provoking the rapes, by the way she dressed or something’…as she sketched out a short skirt with her hands…I was shocked


And this is the thing. I watched a movie a few days ago. About an Albino kid whose mother had died after being struck by lightning just before his birth. And in this film a character asks the young man ‘did you think that all those terrible things you have read about in books only happen in books, and not in real life?’ And he went on to list all the horrific things people did to each other. And he really got me. For I have to wonder at my own naivite in harboring hopes for humanity. Why do I bother trying to get people to behave as if they were nice, caring, conscientious, good willed, and all that. When they are patently not? How can I ever be heartbroken by people again and again, as if I could have expected better of them? Why do I do this to myself?


Of course I don’t go looking to get into trouble. It finds me. That woman accused me further by claiming that ‘other people don’t have the problems you have’. I tried to explain to her that my other neighbours did more or less have similar problems, only they figured it was better to simply NOT challenge Faina. They were not willing to ‘take up arms against a see of troubles’. They simply put up with things they didn’t think were right, for fear of suffering even worse.


And that is my problem. Most people, in the situations I have found myself, would simply have accepted whatever injustice and added it to their reasons to hate people, their reasons not to care about others, their reasons to try to screw anyone and everyone they could before they screwed them. Most people take the line of least resistance in public. In private they complain, drink, take drugs, plot their revenges. But in public they just put up with the injustice. They maybe even kind of like it, as it justifies all their own worst character flaws and everyday behaviors. For if others are evil, selfish, malicious, and only out to get you, then that justifies anything you might do, or feel towards them. Right? It’s hard to express unless you are willing to get my point, and meet me halfway.


If the clever, ambitious youth is victimised, then they can use that to justify opportunistically exploiting their superiority later in life, in business or their career, and not giving a damn about anyone else. Why give a damn about the less fortunate when they not only didn’t give a damn about you. When in fact they actively conspired against you? What better justification for not giving a damn about anyone? And so in some way people use their bad experiences with others to serve their own ends. People without the innate goodwill required of a Jesus, a reformer, a philosopher.


Most people ‘don’t have the problems I do’ because they simply don’t operate in terms of principles. I do. I fight for justice on principle. Because of the principle as much as the actual injustice I suffered. I see things in terms of principles. If you allow this principle to be violated, then you have nothing. I see the potential consequences down the line, in the long term. So the relatively small things take on a huge scale. I am fighting for my own rights as much as the universal principle at stake. I don’t pick fights. But when people try to push me around, when they ignore their contractual agreements, when they violate my rights, when they try to bully me, when they lie about me…etc etc…I not only get passionate about the personal violation, but the violation of the principle.


At what point do you stand up for yourself, and your principles? How can people live just complaining in private, using alcohol and other drugs to mask the anger and pain? Well, take a look at society and you will see how. See all the problems.


People have told me to my face, in private, that they admired me. They saw that I got into trouble for standing up for myself, but they felt that at least when I went home I didn’t carry all the frustrations that they did. They said things along that line. That they bottled everything up and kept it inside, but that it had a habit of expressing itself in ways worse than the ways I was punished for standing up for myself. They wished they could do what I did!! I wonder if they realised how much I have suffered. How many opportunities I have been denied, simply because of my principles. How much of my life wasted.


Even the ‘christian’ woman felt the need to tell me that I should move countries again. Leave Estonia. Like I had left every other country.


Of course I will have to. I will. But I wonder with what sort of scars. I have lost over 25 years of my life, moving from one victimisation to the next. Government’s have proven no more honest in their dealings with me than petty businessmen. It is the people that are the problem. How can I hope to build an optimal society using the means available? Is there a place for the average person in an optimal society?


With each new ‘incident’, I feel that the approach the characters in my novels take is the only one likely to succeed. And even it has only a small chance of success, based on embryology, and human nature. You will have to read those novels if you want to know what that is.


I have kept as small a ‘profile’ as possible. I live in the cheapest flat, in a nowhere place. I avoid all unnecessary interactions with people. For they have proven so heartbreaking. I have left countries, and careers, after having had my life taken away from me by governments, to go to work in strange countries for less than minimum wage. And still I had the same troubles with people. I downsized my life to the bare necessities, eating only ‘out of date’ food. No fridge. No oven. No cooking. No social life. Second hand shoes and clothing. No lounge. No t.v. Just the cheapest computer, guitar etc that I could find, to write my books and music. So that I might be productive. I spend most of my time trying to solve the problems of the world, because it is the only world I have. And because I fear that death might not be an escape at all, but merely a pause, before having to return to this world.


This world is ugly and stupid, for the most part. Mean. Malicious. Vicious. Spiteful. Deny this if you like. But it is denial. Either that or you don’t notice it, as these traits describe yourself. They describe a part of even the ‘best’ of people. Not anyone’s fault as it is all determined. Just facts. Ugly facts. And few people who dare to openly speak up about this get to live comfortably or die in their beds of old age! Maybe a few intellectuals come to admire them centuries later, and thank them for their work and sacrifice. But that is little consolation to the dead.


So what can I do. Keep writing books that no-one will read. Keep sacrificing my time and energy trying to optimalise the world, while it keeps beating me down, and breaking my heart?


I think Jim Morrisson died because he knew he could not go back to America. He ran off to Paris to avoid police persecution in America. If he returned to his home, he would face injustice, and prison. I think it broke him. That such things could happen in ‘the land of the free’. That people could be so ugly and stupid. That he would have to suffer personally for their flaws. I think that is what killed him. Not the drugs or alcohol. He took them to escape. They were not the problem.


I don’t know how different I am. That I cannot bear to stand by while people lie about me. That I have to speak up for myself. That I have to push to get the truth recognised. That I need the truth to be validated so much that I will risk getting into trouble.


O.K, in every case I was fighting for my own rights. For justice for myself. As much as for any principle. People signed contracts with me then decided to act as if they hadn’t. People tried to take advantage of me and I tried to get justice through legal means. Always legal. I have never ever in my life allowed myself the satisfaction of getting ‘revenge’ on any of my persecutors. I have only written up the stories as factually as possible, hoping that somehow that might make something positive of the negative, that somehow someone somewhere might learn something, and avoid the same problems, or maybe even try to reform the systems I was involved with. Maybe even seek justice.


I write and try to learn lessons and share them. I try to make the best of a bad situation. Hence my novels. They are the fruit of decades of deep, painful reflections. I have read everything I could. I have engaged in heated debates with anyone who might be able to offer clues. I have learned all I could and tried to teach. I have endured things most people would not accept as endurable. They would not live like I do, in order to live true to themselves. It is soooo hard. I would never ask anyone else to do it.


But I do ask you to read my books and take an honest look in the mirror, at ourselves, and our society.


Talking to people only gives you insights into their flawed ways of ‘reasoning’ and ‘thinking’. They don’t really reason or think. I shouldn’t be surprised any more by what people say and do. And I wonder how I still am.


So I hide in my cheapest of cheap slum lifestyle. Hide away from all the pain of the world. I have as little to do with it on a day to day basis as I can. For anytime I open the door I seem to open it to malicious, spite, viciousness, ugliness, stupidity.


I have a few ‘friends’ who I treasure. People I can be myself with. It is the best therapy. But I can never hope to have a decent job. I can probably never hope to be published in my lifetime. I suffer such terrible migraines just from engaging with the everyday world. Just in trying to live without being harmed by others. I never break the law. I never do anything to violate anyone’s rights or interests. I may not do everything how everyone does them, but I do no harm.


I honor my agreements. I do what I say I will. I try to do things the optimal way. People won’t let me. It is like I am challenging their self esteem by trying to be a good person. How dare I be any different to them? People act like their way of doing things is the only and naturally best way, and have no interest in ‘learning’ anything from anyone. As if they all know what is best.


I have no status or authority. People feel they can do whatever they like to me. People have gotten away with doing all sorts of horrible things to me.


And here, in Estonia, where I kept the lowest possible profile, I still found myself on the end of human malice, vindictiveness, and violence. To think I would end up being tortured and imprisoned here, ultimately because I wanted to turn lights off when the sun was blazing, and keep my door open an inch to allow a breeze through my boiling hot flat in summer, or because I thought I had a right to have access to a communal balcony. All because one malicious woman did not get her way with everything. All because the police spoke her language, and felt that all foreigners, because they did not side with Russians in everything, must be bad? Fined 2 weeks living expenses because I would not just allow all this to happen to me without complaining? Forced to leave my home, and yet still not left in peace?


I am trying to express the real problem. If this can happen, as similar things have happened so many other times, for no reasonable reason, then what else awaits me here.


The police can simply fabricate the slightest pretext for repeating the whole terrifying, ugly, heart breaking, soul destroying experience. If I complain to a neighbour about them smoking will I end up in prison, with more fines?


And to think I am constantly told I have to go to the police station to get anything done. After I have explained over and over what they have already done to me, and that I have every reason to fear them, and no reason to feel confident that they will NOT repeat their behaviour, and easily do much worse next time.


You tell me how threatening it is to have charges ADDED to your previously unjustified charges immediately after you lodge an appeal and complaint about them? You tell me how threatening it is to know that what the police did was NORMAL in estonia, and no surprise to anyone. How could you live here?


Problem is, where do I have to go? Would you let someone drive you out of your home again and again? What would you do? Just pay the fines, and accept you are powerless to get any justice? Live in fear? Start drinking?


It is so hard and expensive to move. I moved here because it was the only way I could afford to live, and continue to work on my books, music, and to think. If I return to Australia or Germany I would end up on government benefits, with everyone trying to exploit me. I would not even have the time to work on my projects. I would not be able to be productive and creative. And it would be sending the message to the Faina’s of this world, and all the police who have victimised me, that they can do what they like. It will empower them to become even greater monsters.


But if no-one will carry out a real investigation, there will be no justice.


So I guess I will have to pay the fines, which are simply extortion, and violence against me, to try to get out of the loop I am in. I will have to stop seeking justice. I will be betraying my principles. What will become of me? All I have is my principles.


I don’t expect anyone will help me. Why should they? They are not intelligent enough to realise that if they don’t, then they themselves could be the next victim. Them or someone they DO care about. And when that happens it will be too late. And they will find that no-one will help them either. For they have set the precedent.


If you have any ideas please let me know.


Luckily I just by chance found out that there were fines, and that my appeal had been ignored, and that so I still have the chance to pay the fines before worse happens, and to appeal the decision…though I am not confident that people have given me the right information i.e that my appeal is actually valid as the judge cancelled the appointment they were going to give me simply because of the police charges…which makes no sense as my complaints concern those charges, as part of a larger program of victimisation, harrassment, and terrorisation???


Markus May 15, 2013…now 6.35 (I couldn’t sleep…I have been writing this since about 3 a.m! I wanted to work on my novel, but I had to waste precious energy and time on this just to get it off my chest so I can concentrate…but now I have to go to lawyers, banks, and courts, and waste more of my time without any confidence anyone is on my side, understands what I say, or actually cares!!I had to take pain killers, and my head is still hurting all over…allergy? Stress? One moment it is one tooth, then another, then my ear, then my eye, then something else??? on top of migraine from all this police related stress!)









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